Finding Your Voice and Telling Stories as a Researcher and Thesis Writer
演讲嘉宾:Jonathan Newton, 新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学博士生导师
主持人:孟娜, 云南大学外国语学院讲师, 新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学语言学及应用语言学在读博士
腾讯会议: 468-117-039
At the core of the academic work that Master’s students and PhD candidates undertake is writing a substantial piece of academic research. Doing so required them to follow institutional requirements and established genre norms regarding style, structure, and expression in post-graduate academic writing. And yet, there are costs to an overemphasis on conformity, especially when that conformity draws on scientific and academic traditions that may be ill-suited to a particular research topic or research methodology. In this talk, Dr. Newton will draw on examples from his extensive experience as a PhD supervisor and external examiner to illustrate how thesis writing can be enriched by allowing more room for the author’s “voice” and perspectives and by exploring ways in which thinking of our research as narrative/ storytelling can help us break free from sometimes inappropriately rigid structural requirements.
Jonathan Newton, 新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学TESOL和应用语言学硕士项目主任,博士生导师。在过去的三十年里他为亚洲许多高校的外语教师提供过指导,曾在中国等多个国家任教,现兼任上海外国语大学、斯威本科技大学分校及马来西亚国际伊斯兰大学顾问。牛顿教授担任Language Teaching Research, International Journal of Applied Linguistics, Journal on Task-Based Language Teaching and Learning, Profile Journal, TESOLANZ Journal, TEFLIN Joornal 和 Language Teaching for Young Learners Journal等多部期刊、专著的编辑和审稿人。迄今为止,他已出版五部专著,发表的文章及受邀撰写的专著章节超过七十篇。
Newton, J. (2021). How to teach speaking: Pedagogical content knowledge for English language teachers. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
Newton, J. (2021) Using tasks in language teaching. RELC New Portfolio Series No. 9. SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
Newton, J. & Nation, I. S. P. (2021).Teaching ESL/EFL listening and speaking (2nd ed). Routledge.
Newton, J., Ferris, D., Goh, C., Grabe, W., Stoller, F. L., & Vandergrift, L. (2018). Teaching English to second language learners in academic contexts: Reading, writing, listening, speaking. New York, N. Y. : Routledge.
Riddiford, N. & Newton, J. (2010). Workplace talk in action: An ESOL resource. Wellington, Victoria University of Wellington.
Journal articles and book chapters (2020-2022 only) For a full list see
Cao P. & Newton, J. (2022 In press) Interview with an Expert ELT: Why Should Teachers Do Research?ELT Research, 37. IATEFL Research SIG.
Newton, J., Bui, T., Nguyen, B.T.T & Tran, T.P.T. (2022 In press) Curriculum issues in teaching L2 Speaking. In Derwing, T., Munro, M., & R. Thompson (Eds), Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and speaking. Routledge.
Nguyen, B. T. & Newton, J. (2022). Production of third-person singular–s and be copula in communication tasks by Vietnamese EFL learners: Acquisition order and learner orientation to form.Canadian Review of Applied Linguistics.
Newton, J. (2021). The adoption of TBLT in diverse contexts: Challenges and opportunities. In M. H. Long & M. Ahmadian (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of task-based language teaching (pp. 649-670) Cambridge University Press.
Newton, J. (2021). Teacher and learner perspectives on vocabulary learning and teaching. In H. Mohebbi & C. A. Coombe (Eds.), Research questions in language education and applied linguistics (pp. 137-141). Springer.
Dao, H, & Newton, J. (2021). TBLT perspectives on teaching from an EFL textbook at a Vietnam university. Canadian Review of Applied Linguistics, 24(2), 99-126.
Yeo, M. & Newton, J. (2021). Inclusive transnational education partnerships in higher education: A case study of a Master of Arts in TESOL Program. RELC Journal.1-20.
Bui, T. & J. Newton. (2021). A critical account of PPP: Insights from Vietnamese primary school EFL classrooms. Language Teaching for Young Learners. 3, 1, 93–116. https://doi.org/10.1075/ltyl
Munandar, M. I., & Newton, J. (2021). Indonesian EFL teachers’ pedagogic beliefs and classroom practices regarding culture and interculturality. Language and Intercultural Communication, 1-6.
Seals, C. A., Newton, J., Ash, M., & Nguyen, T. B. T. (2020). Translanguaging and TBLT: Cross-overs and challenges. In Z. Tian, L. Aghai, P. Sayer, & J. Schissel (Eds.), Envisioning TESOL through a translanguaging Lens - Global perspectives (pp, 275-292). New York, N.Y.: Springer.
Nguyen, L., & Newton, J. (2020). Enhancing EFL teachers’ pronunciation pedagogy through professional learning: A Vietnamese case study. RELC Journal.
Tait, C., Epstein, S., Navarro, D., Newton, J., & Black, A. (2020). Motivations and Disincentives in Studying the Languages of the Asia-Pacific Region in Aotearoa New Zealand. New Zealand Studies in Applied Linguistics (NZSAL), 26.
Bui, T., & Newton, J. (2020). Developing task- based lessons from PPP lessons: A case of primary English textbooks in Vietnam. RELC Journal.
Newton, J., & Bui, T. (2020). Low-proficiency learners and task-based language teaching. In C. P. Lambert & R. Oliver (Eds.), Using Tasks in Second Language Teaching: Practice in Diverse Contexts (pp. 28-40). Bristol, U.K.: Multilingual Matters.
Nguyen, L., & Newton, J. (2020).Pronunciation Teaching: Vietnamese EFL Teachers' Beliefs and Practices. TESL-EJ Volume 24, Number 1 (May 2020)
Newton, J, Siregar, F. & Tran, T. P. T (2020). Intercultural awareness and the good language teacher. Griffiths, C & Tajeddin, Z. (Eds). Lessons from good language teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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排版:薛美春 宋函笑 杨鸿梅